Imaging Drugs in the Brain --- Fall 2011 Syllabus  --- ENAS 880 / NSCI 532  ----   Yale University
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Lecture (L):
Methodology paper (MP):
key: Application paper (AP):
Other reading material (OR):
day  date class # Paper type Topic Author Journal Year Pages Extra
Tues  6-Sep 1   Overview, course organization, expectaions          
    Lecture pieces             
      1. intro Simple Intro to PET          
(Morris) (N209) 2. what can we image? Nonspecificity of PET demands modeling <-- (right click to download ppt file)    
      3. functional imaging Imaging Drugs - A Preview          
      Good overview paper to read before coming to first class: Imaging the Addicted Brain Fowler et al. Science & Practice Perspectives 2007    
Tues  13-Sep 2  (L): Receptors/receptor tracers/kinetic models          
A Quantitative Model for the In Vivo Assessment of Drug Binding Sites with Positron Emission Tomography Mintun et al. Ann Neurol 1984    
(Morris) (N209) papers to be discussed this week -->  (AP): Imaging Dopamine Receptors in the Human Brain by Positron Tomography.  Wagner et al   Science 1983    
      (OR): Quantitative analysis of D2 dopamine receptor binding in the living human brain by PET Farde L, Hall H, Ehrin E, et al Science 1986   231: 258-61  
Tues  20-Sep 3  (L): Displacement of tracers by neurotransmitters (notes)          
        Simulations, sensitivity, (2011 notes)          
Effects of endogenous dopamine on measures of [18F]N-methylspiroperidol binding in the basal ganglia: Comparison of simulations and experimental results from PET studies in baboons.    Logan et al  Synapse 1993    
(Morris) (N209) papers to be discussed this week -->  (AP): Evidence for Striatal Dopamine Release During a Video Game Koepp et al, Nature 1998 vol 393 learn more: Lappin et al 2009
      (OR): In vivo imaging of neuromodulation using PET: Optimal ligand characteristics and task length for detection of activation  Morris et al, Human Brain Mapping 1995    
Tues  27-Sep 4  (L): Intro to Equilibrium Kinetics: Bolus vs Bolus/Infusion          
Nicotine-induced dopamine release in primates measured with [11C]raclopride PET. Marenco et al Neuro-psychopharm   2004 29(2):259-68  
(Morris) (N209) papers to be discussed this week -->  (MP): PET physiological measurements using constant infusion. Carson Nuc Med Biol 2000 657-60 learn more: Carson et al 1993
      (OR): Measurement of dopamine release with continuous infusion of [11C]raclopride: optimization and signal-to-noise considerations  Watabe J Nucl Med 2000 Mar;41(3):522-30  
      Review article          
Tues  4-Oct 5  (L):            
      topic: .   Studies of Alcohol drinking          
    possibly some tidbits here - not overly relevant but perhaps a good introductory article (MP): Positron emission tomography--a tool for identifying the effects of alcohol dependence on the brain. Wong et al Alcohol Res Health 2003 27(2):161-73  
Sex Differences in Striatal Dopamine Release in Young Adults After Oral Alcohol Challenge: A Positron Emission Tomography Imaging Study With [11C]Raclopride Urban et al Biol Psychiatry 2010 689-96  
(Morris) (N209) these 3 papers are similar - lets compare designs  (AP): When What You See Isn’t What You Get: Alcohol Cues, Alcohol Administration, Prediction Error, and Human Striatal Dopamine Yoder et al ACER 2009    
    and results re dopamine (AP): Alcohol promotes dopamine release in the human nucleus accumbens. Boileau Synapse 2003 49(4):226-31.  
    Good short review: PET concepts & alcohol research Review article Assessing Dopaminergic Neurotransmission with PET: Basic Theory and Applications in Alcohol Research Yoder et al Curr Opinions 2011 7,118-124  
Tues  11-Oct 6 topic: .   Animal models of addiction          
  this paper is referred to by the latter LeFoll paper: --> (MP): Validation of an Extracerebral Reference Region Approach for the Quantification of Brain Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors in Squirrel Monkeys with PET and 2-18F-Fluoro-A-85380 LeFoll et al J Nucl Med 2007 48:1492–1500  
(Cosgrove & friend) (N209) papers to be discussed this week -->
Social dominance in monkeys: dopamine D2 receptors and cocaine self-administration Morgan et al Nature Neurosci 2002 5(2) 169:174  
    (OR): Baseline Expression of a4b2* Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Predicts Motivation to Self-administer nicotine LeFoll et al Biol Psychiatry 2009 65:714-716  
    Review article PET Imaging of Dopamine D2 Receptors in Monkey Models of Cocaine Abuse:Genetic Predisposition Versus Environmental Modulation Nader and Czoty Am J Psychiatry 2005 162:1473-1482  
Tues  18-Oct 7 topic: .   Imaging studies of Smoking          
        Attenuation correction          
     (AP): beta2-Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor availability during acute and prolonged abstinence from tobacco smoking. Cosgrove et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 2009 Jun;66(6):666-76  
Smoking-induced ventral striatum dopamine release. Brody et al Am J Psychiatry 2004 Jul;161(7):1211-8.  
(Morris) (N209) these 3 papers are similar - lets compare designs and results re DA  (AP): The hedonic response to cigarette smoking is proportional to dopamine release in the human striatum as measured by positron emission tomography and [11C]raclopride. Barret et al Synapse 2004 Nov;54(2):65-71.  
     (AP): Smoking Modulation of mu-Opioid and Dopamine D2 Receptor-Mediated Neurotransmission in Humans  Scott Neuropsychopharm 2007    
  chewing nicotine gum learn more: Enhanced dopamine release by nicotine in cigarette smokers: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled pilot study Takahashi Int J Neuropsychopharm 2008    
  nicotine nasal spray learn more: The Effect of Nicotine on Striatal Dopamine Release in Man: A 11C-raclopride PET Study Montgomery Synapse 2007    
    (OR): Pharmacology of nicotine: addiction, smoking-induced disease, and therapeutics. Benowitz NL. Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol 2009 49:57-71  
    another review  In vivo brain imaging of human exposure to nicotine and tobacco Sharma and Brody in NIC PHARM      
Tues  25-Oct 8 topic: .   Imaging Serotonin and Tryptophan depletion           
    (OR): Effects of endogenous neurotransmitters on the in vivo binding of dopamine and 5-HT radiotracers in mice Rice Neuropsychopharm 2001    
Comparison of [18F]altanserin for PET inaging of serotonin (2A) reeptors in baboon brain: pharmacological studies Staley Nucl Med Biol 2001    
(Williams and friend) (N209) papers to be discussed this week -->  (AP): 5-HT(1A) receptor imaging in the human brain: effect of tryptophan depletion and infusion on [(18)F]MPPF binding Udo de Haes Synapse 2002    
     (AP): Effects of reduced endogenous 5-HT on the in vivo binding of the serotonin transporter radiolaigand 11C-DASB in healthy humans Talbot Synapse 2005    
finally... someone images serotonin release with PET !! learn more:  .   Fenfluramine-induced serotonin release decreases [11C]AZ10419369 binding to 5-HT1B-receptors in the primate brain Finnema Synapse 2010    
Tues 1-Nov 9 topic: .   Nicotine, Smoking, SPECT, imaging nicotinic receptors          
        Lassen Plots, Vnd          
beta2-Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor availability during acute and prolonged abstinence from tobacco smoking. Cosgrove et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 2009 Jun;66(6):666-76  
(Cosgrove and friend) (N209)  (AP): Quantification of Smoking-Induced Occupancy of β2-Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors: Estimation of Nondisplaceable Binding Esterlis et al J Nucl Med 2010 (51), 1226-1233  
   (AP): Brain nicotinic acetylcholine receptor occupancy: effect of smoking a denicotinized cigarette. Brody et al Int J Neuropsychopharm 2008 305-316  
Tues  8-Nov 10   Modeling Neurocircuitry with PET: Role of Dopamine in Cocaine Abuse          
  Review: Imaging dopamine’s role in drug abuse and addiction Volkow et al Neuropharmacology 2009 56(Suppl 1): 3–8  
Elevated Striatal Dopamine Transporters During Acute Cocaine Abstinence as Measured by [123I]b-CIT SPECT Malison et al Am J Psychiatry 1998 155:832:834  
(Williams and friend) (N209) papers to be discussed this week -->  (AP): Amphetamine-induced dopamine release: markedly blunted in cocaine dependence and predictive of the choice to self-administer cocaine. Martinez D,et al. Am J Psychiatry 2007 Apr;164(4):622-9.  
  (OR): Increased Occupancy of Dopamine Receptors in Human Striatum during Cue-Elicited Cocaine Craving Wong et al Neuropsychopharmacology 2006 31, 2716–2727  
        Introduction to Alcoholism - and predictors of alcoholism          
Tues  15-Nov 11 topic:   PET studies of drug occupancy: how does naltrexone work in alcoholics? Kappa?, mu?, delta?          
  Key Background Family history of Alcoholism influences naltrexone-induced reduction in alcohol drinking Krishnan-Sarin et al Biol Psychiatry 2007  
(Morris) (N205)  note different room AP Differences in delta- and mu-opioid receptor blockade measured by PET in naltrexone-treated recently abstinent alcohol-dependent subjects  Weerts et al Neuropsychopharm 2008  
  MP 11C-GR103545, a radiotracer for imaging K-opioid receptors in vivo with PET: synthesis and evaluation in baboons Talbot et al J Nucl Med 2005  
Tues 22-Nov B   R   E   A   K     dream about PET imaging while sleeping off the turkey!          
Tues  29-Nov 12   PET vs fMRI analysis and papers - on Obesity          
        fMRI basics... comparison to PET?          
Excerpts from "Handbook of Functional MRI Data Analysis" and other texts          
    PET:.. Brain dopamine and obesity Wang et al Lancet 2001    
(Morris and friends) (N205)  note different room papers to be discussed this week --> fMRI:.. Relation Between Obesity and Blunted Striatal Response to Food Is Moderated by TaqIA A1 Allele Stice et al Science 2008    
    fMRI vs PET:  Imaging human reward processing with positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging Urban et al Psychopharmacology 2011    
    (learn more) Review:.. Similarity Between Obesity and Drug Addiction as Assessed by Neurofunctional Imaging Wang et al J Addict Disease      
    (learn more) Review:.. Neuroimaging and obesity: current knowledge and future directions Carnell et al Obesity reviews 2011