Table of Handouts for ENAS 915

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Table of Handouts for ENAS 915 --- Tracer Kinetics and Modeling

Spring semester 2013


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Class Period that covers the information
Handout Title Journal Date Comment   Class Time   Room Location
Class Author Chapter/ Paper etc
Source Publisher/Journal Year Notes Class time

TAC N207
Kevles chapter 9 "Naked to the Bone: Medical Imaging in the 20th Century" Basic Books 1998

TAC N207
Levi The development of the tracer method "George de Hevesy. Life and Work" Rodos
Homework #1

Tues, Jan 22 Axel methods using blood pool tracer chap 11 Diffusion-and-perfusion-Magnetic-Resnoance-Imaging (Le Bihan, ed) Raven Press 1995
TAC N207
Cobelli, Foster, and Toffolo Fundamentals of Tracer Kinetics Tracer Kinetics in Biomedical Research Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers 2000

Thurs, Jan 24
Kennan and Jager
T2- and T∗ 2 -w DCE-MRI: Blood Perfusion and Volume Estimation using Bolus Tracking
Quantitative MRI of the Brain (Tofts, ed)
see pgs 365-377 and figures of clinical applications: 11.10-11.21
TAC N207
Calamante et al Measuring Cerebral Blood Flow Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging Techniques Journal of Cereb Blood Flow 1999 see pgs 701-705 and figures of applications

Tues, Jan 29
Chen et al

Automatic determination ofAIF for DCE MRI in Tumor Assessment


required reading for homework assignment

TAC N207


Thurs, Jan 31

  N O     C L A S S



Riggs chap 7 - Transfer of substances between biological compartments. Simple diffusion
The Mathematical Approach to Physiological Problems MIT Press 1963 Notes

Riggs chap 8 - Transfer of substances between biological compartments. General kinetics The Mathematical Approach to Physiological Problems MIT Press 1963 Notes
