Imaging Drugs in the Brain  
ENAS 880 /INP 523                          
Draft Syllabus -- Fall 2016                          
DATE room Lect TOPIC ARTICLES                          
8-Sep SHM-I304 1 introduction to Imaging:PET Morris Morris,Lucas,Cosgrove                                
15-Sep SHM-I304 2 introduction to Imaging:fMRI Hampson Bennett 2009 Eklund 2016 Martz 2016                          
22-Sep SHM-I304 3 METHODS 1: imaging receptors, drugs + Intro to Neurobiology Morris, Cosgrove Wagner 1983 Farde 1986 Volkow 2015                          
29-Sep SHM-I304 4 METHODS 2: imaging dopamine changes (displacement) Morris Morris 1995 Koepp 1998                            
6-Oct SHM-I304 5 Applications 1: Cosgrove, Hamspon Morgan 2002 Martinez, 2011 Brewer 2008                          
13-Oct SHM-I304 6 METHODS 3: Functional connectivity Hampson Fox+Raichle 2007 Carhart 2016 Wang 2014                            
20-Oct 7 Break                                  
27-Oct SHM-I304 8 DESIGN-a-THON  #1 all Krishnan-Sarin 2007 Weerts 2008 Kim 2013   Koretsky 2012                        
3-Nov SHM-I304 9 METHODS 4: equilibrium vs bolus and Vt vs BP Morris, Cosgrove Sandiego 2013 Sullivan 2013 Carson 2000                          
10-Nov SHM-I304 10 Applications 4: expectations, negative prediction error Morris, Cosgrove Yoder 2009 Urban 2010 Boileau 2003                            
17-Nov SHM-I304 11 DESIGN-a-THON #2 all Oberlin 2013 Kareken 2013                              
24-Nov SHM-I304 Break                                    
1-Dec SHM-I304 12 APPLICATION 3: smoking/dopamine study comparison Morris, Cosgrove Brody 2004 Barrett 2004 Wing 2015                            
    & Brody 2006 (?)   fallypride                            
8-Dec SHM-I304 13 MOVIE REVIEW, PRESS RELEASE: sex differences, smoking  all Morris 2013 Cosgrove 2014 Hampson 2012                            
15-Dec final assignment description                              
16-Dec TAC N205 14 extras(?) Cosgrove 2009 Brody 2011                            
KEY:     means "tentative"                            
      means: no synopsis required - should read quickly                            
      means: no synopsis required but MUST READ                            
      means : watch this video and write an entertaining movie review                              
      means: write a snappy press release