ENAS 880...Imaging Drugs in the Brain Fall 2015
Syllabus in Progres
DATE room Lect TOPIC ARTICLES Ideas from Aug 19 planning meeting Supporting docs INSTRUCTOR(s)
8-Sep SHM I 304 1 introduction to PET (and fMRI) and neuroreceptor imaging AND BASIC NEUROCHEM Morris,Lucas,Cosgrove Reward Circuitry Poldrack     Morris/Hampson/Cosgrove
17-Sep SHM I 304 2 METHODS 1: imaging dopamine receptors, drugs Wagner 1983 Farde 1986 Koob & Volkow 2010   Morris/Cosgrove
THURSDAY!     Fisher 1995
24-Sep SHM I 304 3 METHODS 2: imaging dopamine changes (displacement) Morris 1995 Koepp 1998 Biswal 1995 ?   Logan 1991 Morris/Hampson
29-Sep SHM I 304 4 METHODS 3: equilibrium vs bolus designs / DESIGN-A-THON Carson 2000 Sandiego et al 2013 Morris,Lucas,Cosgrove Martinez 2005 Fox+Raichle 2007 Morris
  review of resting state fluctuations
Early October feedback on class participation and synopses  
6-Oct TAC N205 5 METHODS 4: neuroinflammation Sandiego 2015 Owen 2010 (2bndng sites)     Kreisl 2010 Cosgrove
13-Oct SHM I 304 6 METHODS 5: fMRI basics/comparison to PET Shaywitz 2005 Bennett 2009 Poldrack   Hampson Evan leaves early to teach in BENG480
20-Oct SHM I 304 7 METHODS 6: Functional connectivity Hampson 2006 Wang 2014 PET application  Biswal 1995 ?     Fox+Raichle 2007 Hampson/M/C Hampson?
27-Oct SHM I 304 8 APPLICATION 1: alcohol induced dopamine (prediction error) Yoder 2009 Urban 2010 fMRI application   M/C/H Evan in NYC
3-Nov SHM I 304 9 APPLICATION 2: smoking/imaging nic receptors w SPECT, (sex diffs) Cosgrove 2009 Brody 2011 fMRI application   fMRI paper?   M/C/H Hampson? design-a-thon 1
10-Nov SHM I 304 10 APPLICATION 3: smoking/dopamine study comparison  /  DESIGN-A-THON Brody 2004 Barrett 2004 fMRI application Lucas 2013 M/C/H design-a-thon 2
17-Nov SHM I 304 11 MOVIE REVIEW, PRESS RELEASE: sex differences, smoking  Morris 2013 Cosgrove 2014 Hampson 2012   M/C/H
moview review assignment description Mueller-Gartner 1992  
24-Nov   12       Hampson
9-Dec   13     Hampson/Morris/Cosgrove  
16-Dec TAC N205 14 You are the movie reviewer!
You are the press agent!
KEY: means "tentative"  
  means: no synopsis required - should read quickly  
  means: no synopsis required but MUST READ  
  means : watch this video and write an entertaining movie review  
  means: write a snappy press release  
  Removed Lectures      
short-lived dopamine release/smoking
obesity fMRI v PET  Wang 2000 Stice, 2008 Cosgrove ? Wang,Volkow 2008
additional obesity paper Eisenstein 2013
basics of fMRI Clare 2009 Poldrack 2009 Buxton  
supplementary material  Ernst 1999
conectivity Hong 2009
1. PAR-12-267
2. FDA/CTP priorities