ENAS 508
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6:00pm 12-Feb   Cantor's Dilemma     Cantor's Dilemma, by Djerassi Djerassi obit, NYT Morris - Review of "The Gene"       Need to purchase book  
6:30pm 19-Feb   Women's Panel     Chesler - Leaky Pipeline in Academia Chesler - Gender-informed mentoring Women in Coding - Thompson, NYT Retention of Women in Science - Gompertz 2017   K Cosgrove, K Miller-Jensen ASEE data 2014-2015 Start at 6:30pm sharp    
6:00pm 26-Feb   Fudging your data - and why you shouldn't     Excerpt from 'False Prophets' by Kohn The Breakdown in Bio research - Harris, WSJ p-hacking by Cornell Scientist? Buzzfeed       \    
  5-Mar       BREAK                
  12-Mar       BREAK Please watch the movie, GATTACA         Get together for movie night!  
  19-Mar       BREAK                
6:00pm 26-Mar   Human Experiments     Henry Beecher, NEJM 1966 What does the IRB do? in 'The Ethics Police?' by Klitzman A Spoonful of Sugar - Smithsonian Chester Southam - NY Post          
6:00pm 2-Apr   Animal Experiments     Use of Animals in Biomedical Experimentation. From Macrinas Mice may be poor model for some diseases - NYT 2013 Genomic responses in mice don't model humans - PNAS 2013 Why I use animals - E London, LA Times 2015 PETA attacks a friend -speaking of research 2017 E Eynon Bonus paper: Ethical Animal Use & IACUC vs repro-ducibility Some history of Animal Welfare Act - Humane Soc. 2007 Yellow highlighted link requires login
6:00pm 9-Apr   Conflict of Interest, etc     Billions at stake in patents - Bloomberg Doctors and Disclosures - Pro Publica 2018 The Future of the Future. From "The Gene" by S Mukherjee YALE COI rules   TBA   Search COI to help the people in the Pro Publica piece  
6:00pm 16-Apr   Gene Editing - talking to your mentor     Somatic Gene Editing - Nat'l Academies Report In Utero Nanoparticles for Genome Editing -- Ricciardi 2018 CRISPR is Eugenics - ltr to Science     A Ricciardi and D Stitelman      
6:00pm 23-Apr   Ethics of Neuroimaging     fMRI predicts later drug use - Buchel 2017 on Imaging 'in Court' from "Naked to the Bone" by Kevles connectivity predicts later psychosis - Anticevic 2015 connectome fingerprinting - Finn 2015 Hinckley's brain is normal - NYT 1982 M Hampson Bonus article (NYT): China uses DNA to…