Home Page for "Ethics and Professional Development for Biomedical Scientists and Engineers"
ENAS 503
Spring 2011
TAC N207 (click here for interactive map of Yale)
Fridays 1:30-3:20pm
Note (1) Friday Classes do NOT meet on Friday Jan 14
See Academic Calendar here



E Morris (homepage)

Course Description

Course Flyer

(Draft) Syllabus / Class Lecture List (non-interactive - any browser)

Related Links
             Interdisciplinary Program for BioEthics (seminars, study groups..)

                       Technology and Ethics Seminars


Intutition, by Allegra Goodman, 2006
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Rebecca Skloot, 2010

The Ethical Dmensions of the Biological and Health Sciences, RE Bukger, E Heitman, SJ Reiser, 2002, 2nd Ed.
Engineering Ethics: Concepts and Cases, CE Harris, MS Pritchard, and MJ Rabins, 2008

In-Frequently asked Questions

Q. Will this course fulfill my department's ethics requirement?
A.  I certainly hope so, but you'll have to talk to your department,
Have your DGS or DUS contact Prof Morris if he/she would like clarification.

Q. Does this course satisfy the ABET Ethics requirement for
ABET sanctioned undergraduate degrees?
A.  Again, it is up to your DUS, but this course is based on a course
first offered by Prof Morris in an ABET-approved BME department at
Indiana University, Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI)

Q.  How much writing will there be in this course?
A. Not a lot.  It is a thinking class.  We will use very short writing assingments
as a device to clarify thinking and communicating.

Q. What will the final project be?
A.  I don't know for sure, but in the past, the final project has been a
book review - book of student's choosing - of a book (fiction, nonfiction)
that deals with some Ethical issue addressed in class.


Jan 22, 2011

Books have not yet arrived. I will not bring into my office today (Saturday)
Please see syllabus for assignment - look for Jan 21 entry in "Readings" column (this is due for next week's discussion)
Please continue readng "Intution" if you have it.  I will update on availability of books on Monday or sooner.
Please BRING LAPTOPS to class - if you have them - so we can do rapid writing exercises

Jan 23, 2011
Copies of "Intuition" by Allegra Goodman have arrived!
Please come to get one in my office on Monday, Jan 24 9-11 or 2-3
LMP 92B (basement of LMP, enter at York and Cedar
where it says Cancer Center) . If I am not there, I will leave
them with Maribel who sits at desk outside my office.  Please
leave your name with Maribel when you take one.  (If you choose
to borrow the book and not purchase it, please refrain from
writing in it).