Version 3 Sept 2011 (EDM)


Brief instructions for weekly paper summary write-ups (‘synopses’)

Please read the papers assigned for the week and prepare the following typed document for each one. These documents SHOULD NOT exceed a page. (They should be emailed the night before class)


Please put the name of the paper at the top of each document. Please name the document as follows: First_author_name-your_name_ENAS880synopsis.doc so I can keep track of them.

Lets try to include in all synopses: Summary, Talking points (bullet list, less than one page)
a Question for the discussion, and the (possible) Relevance to your work or to a disease of interest - on each paper.

Summary: what did they (try to/)do?  (3 sentences max)



For all papers (can be one word bullet points)

Talking points:  (for example…)

Question: (try the following formats)

or even better…

·                    "I understand that they did …… to determine…..  but I don't understand why they did …………?"


·                    Your own style question for us to address…

Relevance: This method could be used in my research to test……. 


This method or this experiment would be of interest to me if it were applied to ……….