Imaging Drugs in the Brain

ENAS – 880

NSCI   523


Fall 2010



Prof Evan Morris, Diagnostic Radiology, Biomedical Engineering

Prof Kelly Cosgrove, Psychiatry


Course Time:  Tues 3:30-5:30 pm

Course Location: TAC N205


Course Goals

To learn to read the functional imaging literature perceptively and critically.

To learn to recognize the primary endpoints of functional imaging studies of the brain

To recognize commonalities in studies of drug abuse and reward and to construct a sound imaging study.

To understand the ambiguities inherent in the analysis of functional imaging studies depending on the tracer or imaging modality.



Course Description

Seminar course to explore the uses of PET, SPECT, and fMRI to study the mechanisms of action, and long term effects of drugs (legal and illegal) on brain function.  Basic research will be the main focus, augmented by two class periods allotted to uses of imaging in drug development by Pharma.  Syllabus will be comprised of review articles, book chapters and journal articles.  Some class periods will begin with short lecture to cover methodological concepts followed by discussion of reading material.  Emphases will be on

(a)    basic understanding of imaging technology (physics, biochemistry and mathematics) as it relates to imaging of drugs, receptors, neurotransmitters

(b)   understanding the primary outcomes of imaging experiments

(c)    imaging experiment design

(d)   recent findings related to drug abuse

(e)    common neurophysiological pathways of addictive drugs – how to image reward

(f)     uses of imaging in drug development – what do drug companies want to measure?


Course is open to Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering graduate students or advanced undergraduates with interest in the topic. 



Grading will be based on (a) class participation, (b) short written synopses of assigned papers, (c) leading discussion of papers, (d) final exam (either oral or written)





Class topics (correspond roughly to class periods – but other topics of interest will be entertained.)


(a)    Intro to PET/ receptors/receptor tracers – early dopamine imaging and models

(b)    Displacement of tracers by neurotransmitters/PET imaging of dopamine release

(c)     Intro to SPECT/SPECT imaging of cocaine abuse in animals and people

(d)    Intro to Equilibrium Kinetics: Bolus vs Bolus/Infusion – design considerations

(e)    Glucose Utilization and FDG imaging with PET/glucose imaging of cocaine abuse

(f)      Intro to fMRI – basics of BOLD imaging

(g)    Nicotine/Smoking studies with fMRI

(h)    Nicotine/Smoking studies with PET

(i)      Alcohol/Drinking

(j)      Imaging studies of other rewarding stimuli/cues

(k)     Cocaine Abuse

(l)      Drug Development/Receptor Occupancy

(m)  Drug Development - other modalities